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My Story

Hello! I’m Mitzi!


I am a Salt Lake City based Doula servicing surrounding Salt Lake County, Davis County, and Utah County.

It is my not only my goal, but my passion to aid women and their partners in their birth journey to bring baby "earthside". I fully believe and embrace being a supportive member of the birth team and will honor the role of mother and partner. I will be there to offer comfort techniques, labor positions, and utilize my training to bring peace into your space, and hold that space for both mother and partner.

I received training through DONA, and have continued my training in order to stay informed and have the tools to aid my clients in a progressive manner. I have training in infant massage, Benkung Binding, lactation and have personally practiced the Bradley Method with my own births.



I am the mother of five amazing humans who have gifted me with nine beautiful grandchildren! My husband is also kind enough to share his 3 humans and two beautiful grandsons! I refuse to use the word “step” to describe family. We share our lives and we share our loves, and I am forever thankful for each addition into our family!To share my own birth story, my five births were unmedicated vaginal births utilizing “The Bradley Method”. To be honest I was petrified by the thought of having an epidural and when I became pregnant my main goal was to avoid it at all costs! But ultimately, the goal was to birth my beautiful humans.


I appreciate each birth is unique to every woman. I have been present for both medicated and unmedicated births as well as cesarean births! I believe every pregnant woman and her partner have the intuition to choose what type of birth is best for their babe. Parental preferences should be respected and I will dedicate myself to aiding families and offering all that I have to help make their birth all of what they hope for. If medical intervention requires intervention I will remain fluid and offer options to stay as close to the birth plan as possible.


My decision to be a doula was courtesy of The Universe! While I was working at the West Jordan Court House as a Deputy a woman went into active labor. I took one look into her eyes and knew we were in it together! The call was made to emergency services and medics were dispatched. I found a place to offer mom privacy and obtained a few towels. I offered this woman support and helped her breathe through the contractions. Her body KNEW what to do! (Isn't nature beautiful?!?) This laboring mother delivered, and I caught. The paramedics arrived before the placenta was delivered and I rode to the hospital with her knowing my path was forever changed.


If you would like to consider me as your birth doula please contact me for a free consultation. If we are a good fit I would love to be a member of your birth team! 



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